5.56/223 Brass Fully Processed
223 brass - fully processed with annealing.

5.56/223 Brass Fully Processed

Your Price: $204.95
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Part Number:556-FP
  • Quantity:1,000 pieces per box (Qty of 1 = 1,000; Qty of 2 = 2,000; etc)
  • Status:Ready to ship! No waiting for processing. Fast shipping via USPS Priority Mail.
  • Caliber:5.56/223
  • Brand:Predominantly Lake City
  • Level of Completion:Fully Processed
  • Bonus:

5.56/223 Once Fired Brass Fully Processed - 1,000 Pieces

This is our premier offering for 5.56/223 brass! This fully processed brass consists predominantly of Lake City, but will also contain other government contract brass. This brass has been deprimed, the primer pockets have been swaged, the cases have been thoroughly polished inside and out, the cases have been annealed, the cases have been sized and trimmed to length (1.750" +/- .003"), and each case mouth has been given a slight bell to eliminate the need for manual deburring. This brass is "Good to Go!" We make every effort to ensure that each case is fully ready to load, but we've still included extra brass to cover any damaged pieces that we may have missed.

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Shipping & Delivery

"In Stock" indicates the brass has already been processed and is ready to be shipped. In stock brass will be shipped on or before the next business day after the order. All brass is shipped via USPS Priority Mail® and is fully insured. Transit time from origin to destination is typically 2-3 business days.

ITAR Restricted

We ship only to the United States.
5 Stars
Great product!
Great product brass is so easy to use !! All the work has been done for you and done professional! Thanks again the shipping box is also very awesome and useful in the reloading room :)
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Reviewed by:  from Montana. on 1/21/2016
5 Stars
Time saver!
Wow! Buying these cases fully processed really save me a lot of time. The cases were in great shape and very consistent in length and sizing. Plus the box is a really nice addition that I am using in my reloading room.
Did you find this helpful?  7 of 7 Found Helpful
Reviewed by:  from Midwest. on 10/16/2015
5 Stars
I bought 1box of fully processed .556 brass a while ago. I don't think I have been more pleased in any way, with any purchase I have ever made. What a quality purchase. Will without a doubt hear from me again soon. Thank you again Ted
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Reviewed by:  from OH. on 2/20/2017
5 Stars
5.56 Brass
Great product! Have already loaded some and find your brass very clean and easy to reload. Fast service too! Will recommend to friends.
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Reviewed by:  from Sandpoint. on 12/22/2016

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