Brass Status Update

Posted by John R on 3/21/2020 to News

The following is an email we sent to customers March 21, 2020. It is posted here in case you missed it.

To our customers,

We want to thank all of our customers for their business and also give everyone a heads up on what we are currently seeing concerning brass in the future.

Typically, we have around a one-year supply of brass in stock and no issues obtaining more if needed. Due to the current world circumstances and high sales, that supply is down to possibly three months. At this time we have no idea when we can replenish our supply. This causes us concern and creates somewhat of a dilemma on how to proceed. 

After seeing a lot of orders from people who have not ordered before, we decided to send this email to let those who had previously ordered know where we are on inventory.

Shipping costs recently increased, but we have not changed pricing and do not plan to at this time. We have always tried to treat people the way we would like to be treated. We do not feel a price change at this time would be appropriate, though supplies are tightening.

Our plan is to make as much volume available to retail as possible, though it will be limited. We are planning on offering unprocessed and DSP (deprimed, swaged and polished) only on most products until things get back to normal. These levels take less processing time and allow us to serve more of our customers.

For 300 BLK we have also added a level that is not fully processed. Again, this lets us get more product available to more customers.

We all need to do what we can to take care of our families through this. We pray that you and your families are safe and healthy.

Thank you for your business,

John Roberts
Roberts and Son Brass, Inc.

Psalm 91